Saturday, September 6, 2008

A view from my world

There is something to be said for ledges.  They invite me to feel free.  Now I don't always find myself with the gift of a ledge but my room has just been made perfect, or at least much more enjoyable.    The building I live in has developed over many years and the layout makes no sense but one thing does, my ledge.  I discovered that the large window opens up to a beautifully private ledge.  Joy filled me and I knew I had to share it with you all.  I sit out here now.  The city talks to me as I think.  The rain purifies the air giving my lungs a cleansing massage. Down to the right under a windowsill lives some pigeons who just gave birth to two babies.  The whole area is just hopping with life.  It will be one of my favorite places and I wanted to make sure you knew about it.  


Kristin Michelle said...

horray for birdy babies...expect a letter soon my friend!

Michelle said...

i love LOVE that you have a ledge. and i love LOVE that you have a blog. i have like 3. haha. but this is the one i use the most (like every 2 months) i think you have a beautiful opportunity in front of you and am very happy to be included in the journey you are on. thanks friend!

Unknown said...

I like the view...
Ayuda mucho a pensar cuando podemos ver un poco mas de nuestras narices.
Gracias por compartir en foto la vista de tu cuarto. Y que tal tu compa#ero de cuarto?

Un Abrazo

Gaston Luis